Do this one thing for me

Howard Marks is one of the world’s greatest investors.
He’s so influential that Warren Buffett says that whenever Marks writes anything he stops what he’s doing and reads it immediately.
Late last year Marks wrote about a major ‘sea change’ that he believes will change everything:
“In my 53 years in the investment world, I’ve seen a number of economic cycles, pendulum swings, manias and panics, bubbles and crashes, but I remember only two real sea changes. I think we may be in the midst of a third one today.”
That sea change is what we’ve experienced this year: sustained higher interest rates.
Marks argues that the last 40 years of falling interest rates have provided investors with a wonderful wind in their sails. And, as a consequence, many people still believe that interest rates of 2% are normal.
They are not.
Inflation has put an end to our smooth sailing. Rising interest rates means we’ll soon be moving into much more treacherous waters.
So what does all of this mean for you?
Well,you need to understand that the economic winds are now blowing against you (and all of us).
So let’s focus on you, and where your ship is heading.
Yes, I’m talking to you.
You’ve been putting off making that financial decision, right?
Perhaps it’s selling that dud investment property … or downsizing from your current place.
Maybe it’s reaching out to your super fund’s financial advisor about your retirement … or making the call to get a better home loan rate.
Hopefully it’s to sell your Dogecoin … or perhaps it’s calling the Small Business Debt Helpline (1800 413 828) to admit you haven’t paid your business taxes and ask for their help.
Heck, it could even be to finally make the ultimate (diamond ring) investment.
You may tell yourself that it’s not the right time, or that you don’t have all the facts, or that you’re too busy.
Yet deep down you know they’re all excuses.
So, whatever you’ve been putting off, I want you to do something – anything – towards it this week.
Call your bank. Break up with your stoner boyfriend. Buy some index funds.
And then email me at and let me know what you did (big or small).
I promise I’ll read it.
So go on, name your ‘one thing’ you’ve been putting off, and then set sail!
Tread Your Own Path!


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