The Simpsons is showing its age

The Simpsons is now 32 years old ... and it’s starting to show its age:

You know the opening credits where Homer hears the hometime whistle at the power plant?

That’s actually a throwback to the 19th century, when very few people owned watches, so factories used whistles to signal to workers the start and end of their shift.

In other words, Homer got paid to belt uranium sticks until the whistle blew, at which point he’d race out of the joint so fast he’d end up running over his son each night.

These days, of course, our bosses don’t have whistles … or even a workplace!

And yet you and I know people who think they can still get by simply showing up and whistling away the time.

Well, that may have worked 32 years ago in cartoon land, but it won’t cut in the era of COVID.

For the first time in a generation we’re facing a recession, and most businesses will be looking to cut the fat.

Scary thought, right?

Well, let me introduce you to one person who I guarantee won’t get D’oh’d!

Her name is Melanie, and she wrote me the following message last year … before COVID:

Hi Scott,

In the ‘Grow’ chapter of your book, you advise people who are preparing for their annual performance review to narrow their position description down to three fundamental tasks, and then write ambitious goals to work on for the next 12 months. Well, I actually did it, and not only was my boss impressed that I had prepared for the review, but he decided to give me a pay rise
right now because of the contributions I had made to date! Before reading your book, I would never have had the confidence to take control like this. I’m off to celebrate — now I can afford a $15 bottle of wine!


I know what you’re thinking.

You’re thinking, “That was last year. Now I’m not looking for a raise ... I just want to keep my job.”


But if you want to keep your donuts, you need to do exactly what Melanie did:

Decide on three ambitious work-related goals, tell your boss about them, then set a diary reminder to do one small thing each day that gets you towards those goals within the year.

Simple, right?

Sure. But not easy. That’s why few, if any, employees ever do it.

And that is exactly the point: it’ll make you stand out in a very good way. And if things go nuclear at your workplace in the next 12 to 18 months, you’ll be in a stronger position than your co-workers — all in the time it takes to watch an episode of The Simpsons.

Toot! Toot!

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