The Golden Child

Hi Scott,
My parents ended up losing their jobs last year, and still had debts amounting up to a total of $80,000 (a mixture of credit cards and fixed-term loans). I have been making repayments for these and, by my calculations, I should be able to finish paying them off by October this year. I’m trying to figure out the best way to help them after this. They’re both receiving Centrelink retirement payments each month, which are minimal. I would like to supplement their income, though I am worried about how they’d be spending it. Is it advisable to open up a joint bank account with my parents?

Hi Annie
Let’s stop for a second and acknowledge your sacrifice:
You are an amazing daughter!
I’m sure your parents really appreciate what you’re doing (and if they don’t – remind them).

If I were in your shoes, when October rolls around I’d establish some boundaries … and cut off the money. Still, that’s easy for me to type and incredibly hard for you to do. 
To soften the blow, I’d encourage them to have a meeting with a Financial Information Service Officer (FISO) at Centrelink, and have them do a Statement of Financial Position and a budget that shows them how they can live off their pension.
I don’t know if you can afford to keep funding your parents’ lifestyle, and what ultimate long-term effect will be on your retirement. Yet I’d encourage you to think about this deeply. As they say on the aeroplane safety message, you need to fit your own mask first. 



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