The Betrayal 

Hey Scott
We have – well
had –  a much-loved receptionist. She was like a second mum to our child, even taking paid time off to go to the grandparent/important person day at her school. She was paid above award wages and has been looked after with bonuses and gifts for the last 17 years. Here is the kicker: I caught her stealing! Cash out of my wallet – on my birthday! The look on her face as I watched from the door was not one of guilt or fear of getting caught, but quiet intent, as if it was normal activity. I pretended not to notice, but I was shocked to my core. This was right before she went on holiday. While she was away, I called the local detectives and asked for advice. Here’s where I have a conflict: do we prosecute or not?

Hi Sally,
Should you prosecute?
If I were in your shoes I’d want to see her face a (pre-morning coffee) Judge Judy.
And I’d also employ a forensic accountant to look over your accounts and see if she’s stolen money from the business, not just your wallet. If they find anything, you should hand that over to the cops and add it to the rap sheet.

I know the hurt and betrayal must be weighing on you, and the prospect of a drawn-out drama might fill you with dread, but I’d encourage you to see it through – not only as a sense of resolution for you but as a way of helping her next boss.



The End of Cash


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