You Have Been Warned

Hi Scott,
Over the last few months, in the face of rising interest rates and inflation, I've noticed a pretty significant increase in anger from your readers. So my question to you is, why do you think so many Australians have put themselves in these difficult financial situations thinking that the good times would never end? After all, you've been telling the Australian public this for years!
Thanks to you, I have a nice little nest egg, I'm comfortable with my mortgage payments if rates continue to rise, and I’ll be sure that, no matter what, I keep treading my own path. I’m sure I speak for many when I say you’ve helped prepare us financially for the good times and for the bad times that inevitably follow. I owe you a beer.

Hi Dan,
The truth is it’s been hard to cut through.
Most people’s lived experience is interest rates going down and house prices going up.
Remember, less than a year ago our government was campaigning to ‘help’ low-income single parents buy a home with just a 2% deposit!

Good on you for battening down the hatches. I hope you enjoy a few frothies on me from your Splurge account!



A Question For Missus Barefoot


Barefoot the Beetroot