Old Dog, New Tricks

Dear Barefoot,

I am now 90 years old and have just completed reading The Barefoot Investor. I wish I had done so much, much earlier! My family house pays for all overheads and so I am able to exist on a pension and have a small nest egg. My question is: should I go with the Barefoot investment plan at my age, as who knows what the future may bring? Recently my wife passed away and now I’m lost without her. Is it all too late for me now? 

Hi Sam
My condolences for your wife’s passing. I can’t even begin to imagine how hard it would be to lose your best friend after so many decades together. But I think the most important thing for you to focus on is spending time with your family and friends, not on changing your finances!
In fact, here’s something to think about: if it is financially prudent to do so, you might consider giving some of your inheritance away to your loved ones now. That way you get to see the good your money will do, and connect with your grandchildren and great-grandchildren!



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