My Girlfriend Was Hiding a Secret from Me

Hello Mr Barefoot,

Just finished your book and it has completely changed my perspective on money — I finally believe I will be able to buy my future home in Sydney. That was until my girlfriend of one year surprised me with her $30,000 debt (credit cards, personal loan and education fees). I had a grand plan of saving together and buying a home, but now I feel like someone has stolen my mojo. How do I attack this problem?


Hi Chris,

She deserves your respect: it would have taken a lot of courage for her to lay bare her true financial state.

Honestly, the number of people who don’t do this till after they’re engaged — or married — is astounding.

Explain to her how you feel, and that you’ll work together to help her get on top of her finances.

You won’t do this by giving her money — this isn’t your problem — rather, you’ll support her by loaning her a copy of my book, and reinforcing good money behaviours by going on lots of saucy Barefoot date nights.

By the end of the year you’ll have a good idea of how committed she is to fixing her finances. If she sorts herself out, it’ll be a source of strength in your relationship. If she can’t, well, at least you know what you’re in for.



Tuck Shop Attack


I Vowed to Write to You Once We Were Debt Free