Making Hay

Hi Scott,

I just want to say I’m glad you’re writing a book for kids. I have this amazing young man called Jarrah (13 years old) who works for me. He comes once a week to help around my property, cleaning paddocks, cleaning water troughs and filling hay nets. He has worked for me a year now and it’s just an hour a week, but when I advertised the job he told me about his savings accounts. One account is for his car, one for his house and one for spending. Plus, if he invests money in the investment account his mum set up for him she matches what he’s put in. I’m blown away by the solid head on young Jarrah’s shoulders! His mum is a Barefoot follower (like me) and she has educated him well. When your book is published, I’ll buy him a copy.


Hi Jan,

What an amazing young bloke!

He’s exactly the kind of Barefoot kid that I want to feature in my new book.

So please go to



My Kid has NO IDEA


I’m setting up a caravan park