I Was Robbed … by the Police!

Hey Barefoot,

I have managed to rack up a large sum ($15,000) in parking and speeding fines. Not being able to come up with the money, I tried to pay fortnightly, but the ‘hardship’ rate was unreasonable; and when it caused food to be taken off my table, I refused to pay. I have not driven for three years now, and the sum has magically jumped to $25,000. I am helpless to argue for a justified repayment plan or a fair total, and the lack of licence is destroying my career potential. I feel robbed by the WA Police!


Hi Nick,

Fair suck of the sav, cobber! The only person robbing your career is the hoon who racked up 15 grand in fines, and then couldn’t cough up the dough (even on reduced ‘hardship’ terms).

Also, there was no magic involved with your fines jumping $10,000. If you google “what happens if I stick my thumb in my mouth and don’t pay my fines for three years?”, you can clearly see the escalating fiscal repercussions of your decision.

So there are two pieces of advice I’d give you:

Call the National Debt Line on 1800 007 007 and see what your options are — there may be a chance for you to do community work to pay off the debts, if you have no other means.

And, most importantly, sit down and make a life-changing decision. Are you going to play the victim for the rest of your life, or are you going to take responsibility for your actions and make something of yourself?

Or let me put it another way, sport. If you keep avoiding the problem, there’s every chance you’ll wind up with a free pair of striped pyjamas, enjoying an extended sleepover with a bunch of other thumbsuckers.



I’m Freaking Out Here!


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