A Magical Mystery Tour


I’m a Kids Superhero Magician - taxable income about $80K a year … or I WAS until Covid GRRR. After reading your last column about that smart single mum with cancer who set her life insurance in place, I followed your advice and have been looking at raising my life and TPD through my living super insurance - but  the premium was $5600 a MONTH!  Is there a good life insurance place that you would recommend? Any advice around this topic?


P.S - I went into Woolies last month and your book was half price - I went to the counter and the price on the tills was wrong so I told them AND GOT YOUR BOOK FOR FREE (Woolworths weird policies). 
P.P.S - I love you! But don't tell my partner snoring next to me.

Hi Steph,

First, I have no idea who Ben is, but I’ve been called worse (like Magoo), so let’s go with that.

Second, it’s common to get ‘bill shock’ when you attempt to increase your insurance.  You should call your super fund and see what options they have where they can offer financial advice and wholesale rates (without the hefty commissions). This is one area where you really want to pay to get expert advice that is specifically tailored to your situation.

Finally, let’s talk about that ‘smart single mum with cancer’ who inspired you to boost your insurance: Emma.

As a recap: Emma wrote to me a few weeks ago, thanking me for reminding her to boost her TPD insurance. She explained that just last year she was ‘a fit and healthy 42 year old single mum with two boys aged 10 and 7’ … yet she’d been diagnosed with cancer, and her insurance really helped her out.
I found out last week that Emma died.

The greatest respect I can give Emma is to put her story in front of my community of Barefooters. And I’ll say it again this week. Check your insurance. Make sure you have enough. Do it for Emma. Do it for your kids. Do it TODAY.


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