A Helping Hand

Hey Scott,

My name is Hepa. I’m just responding to that question last week from Sarah the freelance graphic designer. If it’s all right with you, could you please pass on my contact info to her. I’m also a freelance graphic designer and I make between $100,000 and $130,000 a year. I am happy to help her by showing her how I find clients and how to charge more for her projects, and maybe even get her to help me if I ever get more work than I can handle. Sad to hear how much she’s struggling. I grew up with a single mum in the same situation so if there’s anything I can do to help, I’d love to.


Hi Hepa

You’re awesome.

In fact, the entire community of Barefooters is amazing. This week I was flooded with emails from readers wanting to help Sarah (who is paying 85 per cent of her income in rent!).

What I love about your offer is that it’s a hand-up rather than a hand-out. Everyone needs a mentor. Everyone needs someone who believes in them. I’ll put you guys in contact.

Thank you so much.



I Turned $15,000 into $8 Million


Port Arthur